St. Thomas president Msgr. Franklyn Casale announces retirement plans

Religious Thursday, March 2, 2017

After a 22-year tenure that saw enormous growth for St. Thomas University, Msgr. Franklyn M. Casale announced his intention to retire as university president in January of next year. 
Casale, 75, has been the longest-serving president at St. Thomas, and has the longest tenure of any South Florida college or university president.

His presidency has marked remarkable progress for the institution. Casale has been building the University’s position as the leading Catholic university in the Southeast by developing and graduating recognized global leaders in ministry, science, business, education and justice. He has shaped four fundamental core values in the institution: A strong Catholic identity; global diversity; student success; and leadership development. 

“It takes great leadership to create a great institution,” explains John J. Dooner,  chair of the University’s Board of Trustees. “Since he first arrived on campus, Casale has worked to make St. Thomas University a model resource that prepares students to lead and engage in the legal, business, social entrepreneurship and scientific universe of the global community. He will leave a legacy of committed service to higher education, which has resulted in positioning the University not only as a leader in higher education, but a leader in producing graduates that are ethical, knowledgeable and confident leaders in their fields.” 

“Monsignor Franklyn Casale’s long tenure has been a blessing to St. Thomas University as well to our South Florida community,” said Archbishop Thomas Wenski. “During his presidency, more than 17,000 have graduated to positions of leadership and influence in their communities. Their formation in an academic setting imbued with the values of Catholic social teaching help them to remain focused on service, compassion and ethics. We all owe Monsignor a big ‘thank you’ for his vision, commitment and dedication.” 

Casale is active in a wide range of community organizations and has been a significant presence in Miami since his arrival. His involvements include participation in committees with the Archdiocese of Miami; the Board of Governors for the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce; the Academic Leaders Council of the Beacon Council, One Community One Goal; the Holocaust Documentation & Education Center, Inc.; and a long-serving member of the Orange Bowl Committee. He was appointed by former Governor Jeb Bush to serve on the Governor’s Haiti Advisory Group. 

His leadership positions in higher education associations include chair of the Board of Directors, Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities; Board of Trustees and former vice chair, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges; Governing Board, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities; past-chair President’s Council of Independent Colleges and  Universities of Florida; Florida Association of Colleges and Universities; and co-founder, Haiti-Tech, an organization that organizes and maintains a vocational/technical school in Haiti and educates over 700 students yearly. 

“It has been an honor to be part of an institution that changes the lives of people for the better, both intellectually and spiritually,” said Casale. “I look back at my years at STU with much pride for what we have accomplished, how we have grown our Catholic intellectual tradition, and how we have impacted communities here and abroad. I look forward to working with our committed Board and the excellent administration, faculty and staff during the next year, as we transition to the next exciting phase of St. Thomas University.”