Summary of agenda items for action at Feb. 2 council meeting

Community Friday, February 5, 2016


The Miami Lakes Town Council was expected to take the following actions at its February 2 regular meeting:

• Lawmakers were expected to give their final approval for an ordinance to amend the current budget by carrying over the prior year’s estimated surplus to fund the completion of capital projects that were budgeted and commenced in the prior fiscal year, allocate funds for settling Mayor Michael Pizzi’s reinstatement lawsuit and allocate funds from the town’s fund balance to reimburse FEMA for hurricane related expense disallowances.

Since first reading of the ordinance in January, the town identified $500,000 in non-department funds for Pizzi’s legal fees settlement of $460,000, while $40,000 will be transferred to the town attorneys budget for attorney’s fees to the Lydecker Diaz law firm for defending the town in the mayor’s two lawsuits.

The ordinance also allocates $50,000 for the town’s Charter Review Commission legal support, $2,500 for miscellaneous expenses and food relating to the commission, leaving a balance of $217,500 as a reserve for litigation/settlement.

The town’s current land development code requires that pitched roofs on new single-family and two-family properties be constructed of cement or ceramic tile (barrel tile or flat tile), or metal where it simulates flat tile or barrel tile.

Technology advancements, however, have led to new roofing materials, aside from meal, that can simulate barrel tile or flat tile, and which have been granted product approval by Miami-Dade County under the Florida Building Code. 

• Council members were expected to approve a contract with David Plummer and Associates for design services for safe routes to school project. The contract amount is not to exceed $63,000.

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) awarded Miami Lakes $200,000 for the construction of a continuous 8-10 foot multi-use trail on the east side of Miami Lakeway North and Miami Lakeway South, connecting Miami Lakes Middle and Miami Lakes K-8 Center.

Miami Lakes approved a match of $121,500 for a total project budget of $321,500.

• Council members were expected to approve Pizzi’s recommendation to amend the town’s comprehensive master plan and town code to implement the traffic public safety and complete street solutions to include speed limit changes, traffic control devices and policies on bike and pedestrian lanes and roadway improvements.

 Pizzi said the traffic safety and congestion reducing measures have been in the works since the town incorporated in 2000, and needs to be amended to reflect the changes of today.

• Council members were expected to approve Town Attorney Raul Gastesi’s recommendation to hire the law firm of Weiss, Serota, Helfman Cole and Bierman for legal consulting services for the Miami Lakes Charter Revision Commission.

The proposed retainer agreement includes the law firm’s work on historical background, implementation of revisions and amendments, ballot language and notices concerning the election.

• Council members were expected to approve Gastesi’s recommendation to add up to $50,000 for legal fees as the town prepares to fight Pizzi’s second lawsuit in which he’s asking the town to pay about $2.5 million in attorney fees from his criminal trial.

The law firm of Lydecker Diaz is representing the town in the lawsuit.