The Message of Christmas

Religious By Father Joseph Lucas, Special to The Miami Laker Friday, December 18, 2015


The message of Christmas is too often drowned out by the noise of the world.  Even amongst those who still celebrate the religious meaning of the holiday, the hectic pace of the season often overshadows the beauty of the event being commemorated.

More than two millennia ago, in a quiet hamlet of Palestine, something occurred which is nearly impossible to describe in human words. The eternal Son and Word of God, who shares what it means to be God with the Father, "emptied himself" and became a human being. Born in humility, in a dark cave in Bethlehem, He would illumine the whole world with His light. 

God and Man were united in Him; and so our reconciliation to God was accomplished. As we reflect on this miracle yet again, let us proclaim the mystery anew, as if we have heard it for the very first time. Let us enter into the darkness of that cave – which represents the darkness of our broken world – and receive the light once more. Only in this way can we bear the light to those who need it. May the blessings of the Nativity of Christ be with all of you.