Town Topics: Do you have a favorite Halloween candy?

Community By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Thursday, October 19, 2023

Dr. Jorman Garcia  Dentist/Owner, Bite Pediatric Dentistry Unincorporated Miami-Dade County

     “Twix, unless I’m trying to be careful with cavities,”  Dr. Jorman Garcia said. “Then [it’s] xylitol lollipops, Zollipops.”

Megan Cascardo  Office coordinator, Bite Pediatric Dentistry  Unincorporated Miami-Dade County

     “My favorite candy is all candy, which is why I work in a dental office,” Megan Cascardo said. “So, I would say my favorite candy is Jolly Ranchers and Sour Skittles.”

David Robertson Sweat440 Operations Miramar

     “Snickers, the snack-sized Snickers,” David Robertson said. “I can eat one and not feel too guilty, [but] that’s my guilty pleasure.”

Marla Martinez Owner, For Happy Pets Unincorporated Miami-Dade County

     “As a little girl, I liked Skittles and Starburst, but then I figured out candy is really bad for you so no candy for me,” Marla Martinez said. “I do like making pumpkin pie, I do love dressing up [and] literally my place is decorated from Sept. 1 through Halloween.”  

Yaimet Palacios  Vice President, First Origin Mortgage Lenders Pembroke Pines 

     “My favorite Halloween candy is Three Musketeers,” Yaimet Palacios said.  “The fun sized as well as the big ones that bring the two smaller pieces. It’s amazing.”