Town Topics: Kids return to school this month. Are you excited?

Education By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Thursday, August 1, 2024

Chris Mores  Senior Construction Consultant  Miami Lakes 

    “Absolutely, it’s about time!” Chris Mores said while laughing. “Even though camps have a structure, school has more of that structure, especially the academic portion. With school especially, our kids go to Our Lady of the Lakes, there is a little more structure and that helps the parents along as well.” 

Alfonso Cernadas   Registered Nurse  Miami Lakes

     “I’m thrilled for my daughter to start [pre-kindergarten],” Alfonso Cernadas said.  “We’re just excited for her to start pre-K since she’s our first child to start school. We’re thrilled for her to start learning, make friends and play. Those big milestones.” 

Maite Robles  Assistant Principal, Jose Marti MAST 6-12 Academy  Miami Lakes 

     “I’m excited for [my son]to go back to school because I can’t stand to see him to sleep in,” Maite Robles said.  “Even though I love my job, it means I have to go back as well.” 

Andres Bustamante Genetic testing lab owner Miami Lakes

     “Not really no, I kind of enjoy their summer break and being able to divert [from the routine] and do different things, instead of [us] doing the same thing over and over,” Andres Bustamante said.  “We switch to different camps and they’re excited to do it.” 

Juan Barradas  Electrical Engineer and General Contractor  Miami Lakes

     “Yes, this is the last year for her and she’s very excited,” said Juan Barradas.  “She has a lot of things with honors club, she’s working to help others. This is her last year, and I was telling her to enjoy it. She’s really, really excited.” 

     Alexandra Herrera interviewed our Town Topics talkers and photographed Alfonso Cernadas. Our other commenters shared their pictures. We thank you all!