Town Topics: Veterans Day is Nov. 11. Who is a veteran you admire?

Community By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Thursday, November 2, 2023

William G. Perez, Ret. Col., U.S. Marine Corps, Chair, Miami Lakes Veterans Committee, Miami Lakes

     “[Former President Dwight D.] Eisenhower,” William G. Perez said. “He was the epitome of the statesman senator, and he was a very humble person, but also he was one of those folks who recognized how foreign policies could be impacted by business interests. Him being a five-star general and being the president of the United States opened the eyes about how we need to guard our democracy better.” 

Judy Farcus Serra, Chief Financial Officer, Headquarter Toyota, Veterans Committee member, Weston

     “My Veterans Committee members,” Judy Farcus Serra said. “They inspire me in their dedication and service to our community. They’re still serving, they’re up days and nights. They want the good [for the community] and they’re passionate and they care.” 

Manny Cid, Mayor of Miami Lakes, Co-owner, Mayor’s Café, Miami Lakes

     “[My wife] Melissa’s grandfather [Richard Johnson], he was part of the “Tough ‘Ombres” in World War II,” Manny Cid said. “I got to meet him before he passed away.

     “He has a brick outside [Town Hall] in our Veterans Memorial. Melissa told me the stories of what he did in World War II and it was amazing.” 

Andrea Ivory,  Founder, The Women’s Breast & Heart Initiative, Miami Lakes

     “I would like to honor my father, Cullen Allen, Sr.,” Andrea Ivory said.  “He served in the Korean War, that little forgotten war. He came back and he was not the same. But he was drafted and he went willingly to serve our country.” 

Star Rodriguez, Realtor, Miami Lakes

     “Kurt Scott [who retired from the U.S.] Navy, from Lake Katharine,” Star Rodriguez said.  “He is a very dedicated man to his community. In a very quiet way, he’s very much an unsung hero. Every year when his three boys were growing up they did some kind of summer Boy Scout activity, hiking, camping, and teaching those skills. He just inspires me. His work in taking those kids hiking every year, he just very much has a heart of service."

 Alexandra Herrera interviewed our Town Topics talkers and photographed Judy Farcus Serra and Manny Cid. Linda Trischitta interviewed Andrea Ivory.  William Perez, Andrea Ivory and Star Rodriguez shared their photos. We thank you all!