Town Topics: What are your hopes for the new year?

Community By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Friday, December 16, 2022

Sebastian Fernandez, Student, Miami

“I hope to improve in soccer and enjoy it more,” Sebastian Fernandez, 12, said. 

Javier Fernandez, Student, and Sebastian’s brother, Miami

“To be mentally stronger as a soccer player,” Javier Fernandez, 11, said

Brittany Angulo, Homeschool Mom, Cooper City

“To continue on the homeschooling journey, for it to be smooth with lots of [hands on] experiences for my kids, for sure,” Brittany Angulo said. 

Karel Grimberg, Homeschool Dad, Aventura

  “To continue [homeschooling], it’s been such a great experience,” Karel Grimberg said. 

  “Better than I could have hoped for it to be. [And] to continue growing it, to have more kids join the group we have."

   “Continue growing it socially, also academically as well,” he said. 

Tom Fabricio, State Representative and lawyer, Miami Lakes

“My goals for 2023 are: A successful and productive legislative session for our community and for all of Florida; to spend as much time with my wife and kids as possible; to solve problems for my law clients and help them achieve their goals and last but not least, to run a 10- minute mile,” Tom Fabricio said in an email. 

Alexandra Herrera interviewed and photographed our Town Topics talkers, except for Tom Fabricio who emailed his comments and photo. We thank you all!