Town Topics: What would you like to receive on St. Valentine’s Day?

Community By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Gia Angulo  Homeschool student Cooper City

“Clothes and a teddy bear,” Gia Angulo, 5, said. “[I also like] a card." 

Ethan Grimberg  Homeschool student North Miami Beach

“Something that I want that I don’t usually get is respect,” Ethan Grimberg, 8, said. “I don’t actually get a lot of that during the year.”

Maiah Rodriguez Homeschool student Davie

 “A plain Hershey’s bar,” Maiah Rodriguez, 16, said.  “It’s the perfect chocolate [and] what you need.” 

Nichlas Joglekar  Homeschool student Miami Beach

“I don’t really eat treats, I do other things on Valentine’s Day,” Nichlas Joglekar, 11, said.  “My dad will cook something for Valentine’s Day.  My dad makes steak. I love steak, so that’s what my dad makes on Valentine’s Day."

Sana Joseph  Homeschool student  North Miami Beach

“Chocolate, [I like] Reese’s Pieces,” Sana Joseph, 8, said.  “I normally just get chocolate. [Also] getting together for the [homeschool] Valentine’s Day potluck at Veterans Park.” 

Alexandra Herrera interviewed and photographed our Town Topics talkers, whose parents allowed them to appear in The Miami Laker. We thank you all!