We Get Letters: Resident thanks police, fire rescue for help

Community By Magda Peña, Special to The Miami Laker Wednesday, November 4, 2015


To the Editor:

The Miami Laker

On Monday, October 5, my daughter and I were struck by a car while crossing the street. Miami Lakes Police and Station 1 Fire Rescue came to our rescue as well as a Publix employee, a good samaritan. I would like to thank them all for their kindness and for helping my daughter and myself that day. 

People have criticized the police, fire rescue, the community and our service aides recently, and it’s time that people start thanking them instead. They do their jobs and are great at it. I am happy to say that the team that served us that day were absolutely awesome. It was quite a serious situation but they were able to put us at ease and got us to laugh and made us feel as comfortable as possible. 

I didn’t get to do my groceries that day and I’m not sure when I’ll be able to go because money will be tight from paying hospital bills, but I am glad to say that although my daughter and I are bruised up and bedridden, I’m glad we are alive and well. Thank you once again for having such great employees! 

Magda Peña