Yuniett Gonzalez, candidate for mayor, responds to questionnaire

Government By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Yuniett Gonzalez, candidate for mayor of Miami Lakes 

What neighborhood do you live in? 

I have resided in Miami Lakes for 27 years.

What is your edducation? 

Paralegal Studies [certificate] at the University of Miami. Financial expert in lending, business & real estate.

What is your occupation?

Entrepreneur, Business Founder & CEO. Owner of YUGO Company Lending Financial Consulting Firm.

Describe your employment history.

36 years in the lending & real estate industry.

Have you ever been arrested, charged or convicted of a crime? 

No, I haven’t.

Have you ever been a plaintiff or a defendant in a civil action, including bankruptcy or foreclosure or had a restraining order issued against you?

There’s not been any bankruptcy, foreclosure or restraining orders.

Do you belong to any professional or civic organization?

Yes, I am a member of several organizations in my industry.

Have you run for office before?

I have never run for office before.

Do you have any political action committees? What’s the name of your PAC? How much money have you raised so far?

I do not have a political action committee account.

Do you have any endorsements? If so, from who?

Our campaign is open to all Miami Lakers, without exclusion. Our purpose is to unite for innovation, integrity and intelligence.

Why are you running for this office?

I want to use my business expertise to contribute to a better town. As your Mayor, I’m committed to building & leading the best team for the residents with the opportunity to inspire ALL to engage in growing to a higher level, beyond beautifully.

Given this is a non-partisan seat, if elected, do you believe you can make decisions without being influenced by your political party?

Definitely. Principles are non-negotiable. This government will be pluralistic and open-door.

What are the top three issues for Miami Lakes and what is your solution?

SAFETY: I will use Crime Prevention by reenforcing values with emphasis on the family, schools & public places. Coordination, surveillance & active control with the community and our police force. “SAFETY IS EVERYONE’S BUSINESS”

MOBILITY: Will coordinate with the state & county transit offices to generate a preferential strategy during peak hours and raise awareness in residents through educational activities.QUALITY OF SERVICE,

EFFICIENCY & ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT: ALL Miami Lakers will be served as they deserve. We will offer timely solutions with personalized service.

Should the Town start its own police force? If yes, how should it be paid for, and do you know the cost of expanding the police force?

Miami Lakes must move forward, not only with the creation of its own Police Force, but also, its own Fire Department and all entities to offer wellbeing to our residents. We will call community meetings to discuss this issue and together, we will find the solution without affecting the pocket of the Miami Lakers. We should enlist the help of the state, county & federal government to create initiatives that solve insecurity. All decisions will be discussed with the neighbors. OUR PROPOSAL IS TO INTEGRATE AND NOT TO EXCLUDE.

Blasting affects many residents on the west side of Miami Lakes. How would you motivate state representatives in Tallahassee to reduce the impact upon property owners?

It requires management, experience, effectiveness and commitment to work tirelessly until the problem is resolved. My commitment is to dedicate all my energy to achieve it. CHANGE IS POSSIBLE. MIAMI LAKES CAN BE BETTER. WE WILL DO IT TOGETHER.

Do you support any improvements for Optimist Park? If yes, what should be done and how should it be paid for?

Yes, everything is possible for those who believe. We must end the speech with “We Can’t, everything will cost us more or it will be expensive.” We will engage business owners, the government and international institutions to raise funds. WE WILL, ALL, ENJOY THE SPACE THAT WE DESERVE.

Do you think it was the right decision to choose the rollback rate for the budget? Will you be willing to raise the rate if you are elected?

We will support this initiative that benefits all taxpayers without exception. Our town will not impose budget expenses on the residents. Our model must be effective in managing our resources attracting investment, growth & capital to Miami Lakes. NO, TO HIGHER TAXES.  IDEAS CHANGE THE DESTINY.