Quintin Valiente joins the Miami Laker staff as Marketing/Advertising Rep.

Community By R.A. Romero, The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, September 30, 2015

  The Miami Laker has welcomed its newest staff member, Marketing and Advertising Representative, Quintin Valiente. Born in Havana and raised in South Florida, Valiente has always had a knack for technology. His curiosity as a child, which has stayed with him as an adult, led him to take apart and rebuild computers.As time passed, Valiente still tinkered with gadgets but found a new passion on his screen rather than in his hard drive,...

Team Shula coach Anthony Mainella named quarterly MVP

Sports Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Team Shula Health and Fitness coach Anthony Mainella (center) was recently named Most Valuable Player for the quarter for his leadership in helping whipping his team in shape and delivering stellar performances. Mainella is joined by members of his team to celebrate his accomplishment.

Intensity Dancers' Studio adds after school program

Community By R.A. Romero, The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, September 30, 2015

  Intensity Dancers’ Studio celebrates its 13th anniversary, renovations to the Miami Lakes studio, the addition of an after school program and a brand new location in Miramar. The instructors at the studio are eagerly ushering in the new season which began on August 3. Renovations to the Miami Lakes studio included tearing down the inner walls of the lobby to make a more inviting space for the dancers and their parents....

Attorney Joshua J. Hertz opens Miami Lakes office

Community Tuesday, September 22, 2015

  Joshua Hertz, a transplant to South Florida from South Carolina, did an unusual thing following his graduation with his J.D. degree from St. Thomas Law School. He went solo. Those who know Hertz shouldn’t be surprised at his dive into the deep end of the pool though, as he has long harbored an entrepreneurial spirit since childhood.Hertz began practicing personal injury with the sincere approach of helping out “the little...

Zonta accepting vendors for Fall Flea Market on Nov. 7

Community Thursday, September 17, 2015

  The Zonta Club of Miami Lakes is currently accepting vendors for its Annual Fall Flea Market scheduled for November 7. Vendors, large and small, are invited to participate in this annual event. Take advantage of this opportunity to clean out garages and closets and turn treasures, hobbies, and home business items into cash. The annual event will be held Saturday, November 7, rain or shine, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The flea market will be...