Com. Bovo, Beacon Council host Small Business forum

Business Thursday, February 6, 2014

  On Tuesday, February 25, the Town of Miami Lakes will host the Beacon Council and Miami-Dade County Commissioner Esteban Bovo Jr. for a small business workshop. The free event, open to new and existing businesses, will be held at Miami Lakes Government Center, 6601 Main Street, from 7:45 to 10 a.m. Aimed at promoting economic development, the workshop will feature such topics as Building a Business Plan, Accessing Financial Resources,...

Ram challenge aids Goleman

Sports Thursday, February 6, 2014

  Miami Lakes Automall presented Barbara Goleman High School with a check for $2,680 on behalf of the school’s fundraising efforts during the Ram Gridiron Challenge Fundraiser sponsored by Chrysler. Barbara Goleman was awarded monetarily based on the 134 test-drives they got in late October. High school’s such as Goleman select a day or a school event, and through the Ram Gridiron Challenge Fundraiser, a local participating...
  The Town of Miami Lakes started 2014 by organizing an Online Local Business Directory. The interactive business directory will be placed on the town’s website as well as the town’s mobile application and is expected to go live within the first quarter of the year. Each business will have an individual page which will include the business name, type and location. Through this initiative, the Town hopes to highlight and...
  Miami Lakes Mayor Wayne Slaton joined Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez, Miami-Dade Commission chairwoman Rebeca Sosa, and the Beacon Council in recognizing one of Miami Lakes’ local businesses, Cotral Lab. Cotral is a France-based manufacturer of customized hearing protection devices. Twenty years of expertise in hearing heath, and the number one manufacturer of Customized Hearing Protections in Europe, Cotral Lab’s...
  Regus is now open in Miami Lakes Business Park West at 7900 Oak Lane, Suite 400, in the Leroy Collins building, and offering office space with no long term leases, up front capital or build-out costs. Regus offers opportunities for all sizes and types of businesses including virtual-based companies that are innovative solutions. The fourth floor offices also offer receptionists and on-site IT support, state of the art communications...