Main Street Players announced the cast for “Wolf & Badger,” a drama it will present starting July 23rd. Joshua Lyons, Brandon Hoffman and Melissa Bibliowicz, shown left to right in the photo above, will appear in 18 performances of the play by Michael John McGoldrick. McGoldrick’s work was a prize winner in the theater’s 2020 New Play Competition. The story takes place during the opioid epidemic and...

The Nail Garden opens second spa in Miami Lakes

Business By Megan Jacobo, Reporter Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Nail Garden has blossomed, and opened a second spa location in Miami Lakes. The shop is in the 6600 Main retail and residential complex near Town Hall. It is owned by Olga and Luis Alvarez. The couple have a third nail salon in Pembroke Pines. Their first location in the Lake Patricia Shopping Center began welcoming customers in 2016. Olga Alvarez, 54, said she is proud of how their business has grown and of the quality...

Restaurants ready to serve Miami Lakers

Business Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Cypress Village Shopping Center Beverly Hills Café 7312 Miami Lakes Drive, 305-558-8201. Indoor/ outdoor dining, take-out, delivery, UberEats. Cruzeiro Brazilian Steakhouse 7419 Miami Lakes Drive, 305-363-5247, Indoor/outdoor dining, take-out. Diced 7425 Miami Lakes Drive, 305-961-1032 Indoor dining, take-out, UberEats, Postmates, DoorDash 305-961-1032 Dr. Limon 7341 Miami Lakes Drive,...

Pines Aesthetics spa opens at Shula’s Athletic Club

Business By Megan Jacobo, Reporter Thursday, July 1, 2021

There’s a new spa in town! Pines Aesthetics will host a grand opening on July 17th. It is in the space once held by the Spa at Shula’s, which closed in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. It its place, attached to Shula’s Athletic Club at 15150 Bull Run Rd., is Pines Aesthetics. It will offer manicures, pedicures, massages and facials. The owners are also bringing additional services to Miami Lakers: Botox...

Renata Alchemy supports women vendors at Main St. shop

Business By Megan Jacobo, Reporter Thursday, July 1, 2021

Yoselin Renata Espinoza has always had sensitive skin, which forced her to embark upon frustrating searches for body care products that weren’t irritating. She knew other people had the same experience, and after going through some changes in her personal life, she got the idea to open a store that offers eco-friendly products. And after working in the corporate world
as a business analyst for 14 years,
 Espinoza was
ready for...