Miami Dade College is continuing its 20-year tradition of offering free tax preparation services to low-income individuals, the elderly and non-English speaking residents. Federal income tax returns must be in the mail and postmarked no later than April 15. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistant Program (VITA) is administered and staffed by faculty and MDC business students who volunteer their time to help the public in preparing their...

Voters to see tax consequences on future county bonds

Community Wednesday, February 5, 2014

  Future Miami-Dade County bond referendums will contain a caveat to voters: Approving the bond item will raise your taxes. The Miami-Dade County Commission gave final approval to an ordinance sponsored by Commissioner Esteban Bovo Jr. to include language in future bond measures specifying that the proposed bond would be “paid or secured by taxes derived from the assessed value of property in the County.” A two-thirds...
  On Monday, February 3, the Town of Miami Lakes will celebrate the grand opening of the new N.W. 87 Avenue link between N.W. 154 and 162 streets. The ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held at 10:30 a.m. on the corner of N.W. 87 Avenue and 162 street. Residents and others who are interested in participating in the celebration are asked to congregate at the Roberto Alonso Community Center at Royal Oaks Park, 16500 N.W. 87 Avenue, at 10...
  The Main Street Merchants present the 6th annual Taste of Miami Lakes Festival, scheduled for Saturday, February 22, along Main Street. The annual outdoor family festival will kick off at 11 a.m. The event will feature a kids zone with face painting, a bounce house, snacks, center stage with all day entertainment, giveaways and raffles, and 60-70 vendors featuring great food and arts and crafts. A percentage of the proceeds will be...

Review of agenda items at Council's meeting

Community By David L. Snelling, The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, January 22, 2014

  To enhance on-street parking spaces and a pedestrian ambiance in the Town Center Downtown area, the Town of Miami Lakes is proposing a pay  per-space fee for landowners and business owners in exchange for including additional parking spaces in its required parking zone. At the January 14 regular Town Council meeting, lawmakers, on first reading, were expected to vote for an ordinance which would establish a payment in lieu of...