MLEC Filmmakers win award for documentary

Education Thursday, April 2, 2020

A documentary produced by three students from Miami Lakes Educational Center won honorable mention and a $250 prize in the 16th annual C-SPAN StudentCam 2020 competition. Daniel Gonzalez III, Michelle Mairena and Khimmoy Hudson, shown left to right in the photo above, created a six-minute video called “Immigration: The Broken System.” They were among 300 students who received cash prizes in the national contest. C-SPAN assigned competitors a...

Teacher of the Year gets her new wheels

Education Thursday, March 19, 2020

Vanessa Valle, Miami-Dade County Schools’ 2021 Francisco R. Walker Teacher of the Year, accepted the keys on March 7 to a new Toyota Corolla sedan. Valle is an English teacher and literacy coach at Hialeah Gardens Senior High. She received her new car, from Kendall Toyota, during the United Teachers of Dade picnic at Tropical Park. School Principal Maritza Jimenez, shown at right, joined Valle. Valle also won $5,000, the school district...

Dean’s List honors

Education Thursday, March 19, 2020

Victoria DeBarros, 21, of Miami Lakes was named to the dean’s list for the fall 2019 semester at Florida International University, the school said. DeBarros, in photo at left, is majoring in biology and minoring in business. A student must have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher to achieve ranking on the list, the university said. DeBarros, FIU Class of 2021, is a graduate of Barbara Goleman Senior High School. Photo...
The Town of Miami Lakes and its Education Advisory Board are accepting applications for The Graham Companies Scholarship, to be presented by the firm. Two scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded to graduating high school seniors who are residents of Miami Lakes. Applications must be submitted to town hall by March 31. The Education Advisory Board will select two recipients, and the winners may be announced at the April 21...

HGMS honors teachers

Education Thursday, March 19, 2020

Hialeah Gardens Middle School has recognized two educators for outstanding work. Jacqueline Garcia, a trust counselor shown in top photo at left, was chosen as teacher of the year. Ernesto Galguera, a math and computer teacher who also coaches boys volleyball, basketball and track teams, who appears in the second photo, was named rookie teacher of the year. The school is at 11690 NW 92nd Ave. in Hialeah. Since 2013, the...