M.L. Educational Center students participate in FIU's Journalism Day

Education By Daniel Gonzalez, III, Special to The Miami Laker Wednesday, December 5, 2018

On Saturday, October 27, The Florida Scholastic Press Association (FSPA) held its 46th annual South Florida Journalism Day convention at Florida International University (FIU).Schools from across the district came together to learn, collaborate and compete in all things media; from layout and design, to news stories, broadcasting and film.Miami Lakes Educational Center’s (MLEC) journalism students were in attendance, along with student...
As the holidays approach, Spanish Lake Elementary School (SLE) remembers those less fortunate in the community with baskets filled with fixings for meals, essential items and a gift card for a turkey. Within the school setting, the children perform in song, dance and story-telling followed by classroom Thanksgiving feasts.On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving after school, the staff gathered together for their annual Thanksgiving feast to give...

Indulge Magazine Editor-in-Cheif visits MLEC journalism students

Education By Devin Dubon and Gabriella Licona, Special to The Miami Laker Wednesday, December 5, 2018

To entertain, to nourish, to pamper. Indulge Magazine fits its name. The Miami Herald’s luxury lifestyle magazine explores the culture, beauty, fashion and food in Miami. Evan Benn, the editor-in-chief, discussed the magazine, journalism and life in Miami.“Miami is a rich, diverse place,” said Benn, who first lived and worked in Miami during his junior year of journalism school at Northwestern University, when he interned at The Miami Herald....

Jose Marti MAST 6-12 opens students applications

Education Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The application process for acceptance into Jose Marti MAST 6-12 Academy, a full magnet program with a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is now open. Students from fifth to tenth grade interested in applying can visit www.mast3.com up until the deadline of January 15, 2019. Students at MAST Academy focus on extensive learning in the areas of life science, natural science and computer science. Every student has...
It isn't every day that a celebrity replies to a Tweet, but when actor, director, writer and producer Vincent D'Onofrio does, he means business. Late last September, Colleen Mahoney, theatre teacher and drama club advisor at Hialeah Miami Lakes High School (HML), Tweeted at D'Onofrio, asking him for some advice to share with her budding thespians at the inaugural meeting of the HML Drama Club.Less than ten minutes later, D'Onofrio, an HML...