Five BGEC NJHS students awarded grants

Education Tuesday, May 29, 2018

  Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) recognized five members from the National Honor Junior Society who have been selected as recipients of the 2018 National Junior Honor Society Outstanding Achievement Award. Recipients will receive a $500 award, which will be placed in a college savings account, to be managed by OppenheimerFunds (OFI Private Investments) as part of the New Mexico Education Trust Board's 529 college savings plan. These...
  Fourth graders at Spanish Lake Elementary (SLE) in a co-teaching inclusion class led by teachers Gianinna Lombardi and Evelyn Garrastazu decided to enter a contest, the Above and “Bee"yond Teacher Essay Contest in Miami-Dade County to showcase their teachers. If they won, they would be rewarded $500 for needed classroom items, and their class would receive breakfast at Applebee's.  It was a glorious day when these students...

BGEC honors two cafeteria retirees

Education Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) saluted two retirees of 2018. Mercedes Martinez served the students for 14 years as a cafeteria worker at the Primary Learning Center and Martha Llanes served the students for 21 years as a cafeteria worker at the Main Campus Elementary Cafeteria. They were both  commended for their dedicated service and commitment to the students of M-DCPS.  Pictured (on the  left)...
  Miami Lakes Educational Center (MLEC) student Edwin Critz and principal Lourdes Diaz pose for a photo together following his decision to attend Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). He is a lifelong Miami Lakes resident and a senior graduating from MLEC’s Cambridge Engineering Program. He was accepted to several universities, including Georgia Tech and the University of Florida, but decided he will attend CMU, where he will major in...

'We the People' team places third in Nationals

Education Wednesday, May 16, 2018

  After winning first place at the District and State competition, Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) Civic Engagement Academy's (CEA) We the People Team placed 3rd at the We the People National Invitational, hosted by the Center of Civic Education on May 4 through 8 at the National Conference Center in the Washington, D.C. area. Under the direction of Jackeline Hernandez and John Brady, the 8th grade We the People teams have...