Miami-Dade County School Board members honored 136 graduating students for successfully managing to attend every school day during their tenure with Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Regular and punctual school attendance is one of the most important factors to a student’s progress in school. School attendance is widely regarded as a major contributing element in academic performance and student conduct. To earn this...
  Three Miami Lakes residents earned honors at their respective colleges and universities in May and June. Michael Gomez, a Business Administration/Sports Management major, earned a bachelor’s degree at Florida Institute of Technology’s Spring Commencement. FIT is located in Melbourne. Eduardo Crespo, a student at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York, as among the 900 students who made the President’s List for the...
  Following the end of the 2014-2015 school year, Miami-Dade School Board Chair Perla Tabares Hantman and Public Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho honored District 4 principals during a luncheon at El Novillo restaurant in Miami Lakes for their hard work and dedication to their schools and students. “The Principals Luncheon allows me the opportunity to greet and thank the principals in District 4 for their continuous...

MLEC's "Girls Who Code" recognized by Google's JaimeSue Goodman

Education By R.A. Romero, The Miami Laker staff Tuesday, June 30, 2015

  Miami Lakes Educational Center’s (MLEC) Girls Who Code club has traveled to Silicon Valley, Boston, and Canada to attend and participate in workshops and conventions and have caught the attention of JaimeSue Goodman, Project Leader for Google’s CS First initiative. Club members Michele Wu and Joanna Luo were mentioned by Goodman in her TedTalk titled “Lucky is a Lie” that took place in Charleston, North...
  An evening dessert reception to honor and thank Spanish Lake Elementary’s (SLE) Dade Partners and dedicated volunteers was held at the school before the final end-of-the-year musical program. The Dade partners and volunteers provided resources to enhance educational programs and to assist in rewarding students and teachers for their accomplishments. In addition to celebrating the close of another successful school year,...