Hantman honors Eco-hero art winner

Education Tuesday, June 2, 2015

  Miami-Dade School Board chair Perla Tabares Hantman honored student Justine Padron as the winner of Zoo Miami’s and Local 10’s Eco-Hero Contest during a special recognition at the School Board Meeting in early May. “Justine represents the best that Miami-Dade County Public Schools has to offer,” said Hantman. “Her remarkable achievement is a testament to her passion, devotion and inspiring enthusiasm for...
  Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) received an Honorable Mention for placing fourth in the We the People National Invitational and winning the Unit Six Award for being the highest scoring unit during the first two rounds of the competition.  Under the direction of Jackeline Hernandez, Ingy Cruz, John Brady and Richard Tapia, the students worked to prepare for the competition which took place in late April.  “Although...
  As the school year draws to a close, Spanish Lake Elementary (SLE) is celebrating the year’s accomplishments. End of the Year award ceremonies are held for each grade level and all parents are invited to attend to witness as each child is honored.  Grade five students enjoy a beautiful promotion ceremony followed with a banquet and dance as they prepare to leave their elementary years behind. All grade levels enjoy field...
  The Education Fund awarded Spanish Lakes Elementary’s (SLE) newest art teacher, Jessica Castillo, a Mural Grant. The grant was funded through the Lynn & Louis Wolfson II Family Foundation and the R. Kirk Landon Foundation. The purpose of the grant was to increase student awareness in selecting healthy, organic foods and pride in their school cafeteria through art. The students used abstract painting styles to fill in their...

Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy honors teens

Education By R.A. Romero, The Miami Laker staff Tuesday, May 26, 2015

  The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy will honor nine teen mentors from Miami-Dade County with Teen Trendsetters Excellence Awards for their leadership and service. Students mentoring in the foundation’s program assist first through third graders with reading during weeklong tutoring sessions.  Seventh grader, Alicia Urrutia, from Bob Graham Education Center is among the Miami-Dade County School District...