The Teen Driver Safety Poster Contest hosted by Miami-Dade County Public Schools was open to all students of Miami-Dade County. Hialeah Miami Lakes Senior High School’s (HML) own Yasiel Gonzalez placed third in the county-wide competition and was recognized by School Board Chair Perla Tabares Hantman at a school board meeting, along with $100 award for his art piece. Gonzalez was also recognized for the aforementioned award at...
  On April 2, the Key Club of Barbara Goleman Senior High School hosted its annual Gator Idol singing competition to raise awareness and to collect donations for the March of Dimes. The March of Dimes is an organization that helps mothers have healthy pregnancies and helps babies have happy and healthy lives.   Students performed in front of a live audience and were judged on their overall performance by three judges: Patricia...
  In 2014 the College Board announced that it would redesign the SAT to focus on the facets that correlate most with college and career success and reflect what students are learning across the country.  The College Board also announced a landmark partnership with Khan Academy, a leader in online education, to make free and personalized practice resources for the redesigned SAT. The program, set to be released in June, will...

MLEC puts Health Training in Action

Education By Stephanie Brito, Special to The Miami Laker Thursday, April 30, 2015

  When a flight attendant on Flight #1514 from Washington, D.C. to Chicago went on the P.A. and asked, “Are there any medical personnel on board?”  It was not a well-seasoned doctor in his late 50’s that got up. Instead, Nicole Rosello, 17, rushed out of her seat to help. Rosello, a senior in the Health Academy at Miami Lakes Educational Center, is a Certified Nursing Assistant and a Student Practical Nurse. She...
  Mercedes Sabates (back, center), Spanish Lake Elementary (SLE) media specialist, plays a critical role in boosting educational success, according to the school, through opening the school’s library every Wednesday night. The Accelerated Reader (AR) program, news-team sponsor, and technology support all benefit from library usage on Wednesday evenings. During National Library Week, recognized from April 12 through 18, the school...