Town Council votes to defend former mayor Pizzi's lawsuit

Government By David L. Snelling, The Miami Laker staff Thursday, January 15, 2015

Transfixed by a legal showdown to determine who should be the town’s rightful mayor, Miami Lakes residents appeared to be divided over their support for Mayor Wayne Slaton and former mayor Michael Pizzi, who filed a lawsuit in Miami-Dade Circuit Court to get his old job back. But the schism also suggested the town shouldn’t spend taxpayer’s money for legal expenses and explore other ways to settle the mayoral quandary....
  Miami-Dade County Commissioner Esteban Bovo Jr., in partnership with the Town of Miami Lakes and the Miami-Dade County Internal Services Department, will present a workshop entitled “How to do Business with Miami-Dade County” on Friday, January 23, at Miami Lakes Government Center, 6601 Main Street. Breakfast and registration will be from 7:30 to 8 a.m., with presentations from 8 to 10 a.m., and a question and answer...

Town encourages volunteer sign-up

Community Thursday, January 15, 2015

  The Town of Miami Lakes hosts over 75 events per year and is currently seeking volunteers to help with events, activities, and programs related to the Town. People of all ages are encouraged to register and students can receive school service hours for their help. Interested persons can go to the Town’s website,, and under “Departments” scroll down to click on the “Human Resources”...

Nelson Rodriguez graduates Good Government program

Government Monday, January 12, 2015

  Miami Lakes Councilmember Nelson Rodriguez was among 17 elected officials from three South Florida counties who graduated on December 15 from the Good Government Initiative’s Leaders of Excellence Program. Founded by former Miami-Dade County Commissioner Katy Sorenson, the program is designed to provide elected officials with skills and knowledge they can apply to their public service. Elected officials participate in training...
  Miami Lakes area residents who receive curbside waste collection service from Miami-Dade County can now recycle their Christmas trees by taking them to one of the county’s Trash and Recycling Centers or the West Miami-Dade Home Chemical Collection Center. All trees brought in for recycling must be free of tree stands, lights, ornaments, tinsel and other decorations. The trees will be converted into mulch, available to residents...