Ribbon Cutting: Optimize Health Chiropractic Center

Featured By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Monday, March 10, 2025

     Optimize Health Chiropractic Center celebrated its opening with a ribbon cutting on Feb. 19. The new practice at 15450 New Barn Road is run by Dr. Denis Chang.       “I want to thank everybody for...
  The Miami-Dade County School Board unanimously approved two items proposed by Board chair Perla Tabares Hantman at its regular meeting in mid May endorsing a national seat belt enforcement campaign from May 18 through May 31, 2015 and May as vision health awareness month. “The National 2015 “Click It or Ticket” campaign promotes seat belt usage, which is the single most effective way to reduce injuries and fatalities...
  In order to prepare its students for their post-secondary studies and careers, Dade Christian School is committed to providing a learning environment infused with technology, beginning with the elementary program.One goal of the Dade Christian School Technology Refresh Initiative is to empower the students and equip them with the necessary tools for success.Today’s students are becoming increasing digitally literate and the...
  Works of art created by Hialeah Miami Lakes Senior High (HML) art students were recently on display inside the Mary Collins Community Center. The HML students were among a group of student artists honored by U.S. Congressman Mario Diaz Balart for their achievements in creativity and expression.   The congressman spoke to a group of students, parents and teachers about the importance of art in education and students contributing...
  Veronica Varona, a 7th-grade student at Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School in Miami Lakes, was recognized by Duke University at its 2015 State Recognition Ceremony on May 5 at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. About 38 percent of Duke TIP talent search participants receive this honor. In order to qualify, students must achieve SAT scores at or above 530 in Math, 510 in Critical Reading, and 500 in Writing. Each year, Duke...

American High students win first place in Project Citizen states

Education By R.A. Romero, The Miami Laker staff Tuesday, June 2, 2015

  American Senior High School’s Law Academy is celebrating it’s first place win for Miami-Dade County and first place win for state finals in Project Citizen. Despite this being the first year that American participated in Project Citizen, it has advanced to every round of the competition with flying colors. The project is set to be judged at Nationals. Project Citizen is a program sponsored by the Center for Civic Education...