Pets of Miami Lakes

Featured By Linda Trischitta, Editor Thursday, February 20, 2025

     Sisu protects the property of Roque Gonzalez and Zory Gonzalez in Miami Lakes.  The couple adopted the cat two years ago, after it was born in their driveway.       Ever since, he has lived on...
  On January 22, the Town of Miami Lakes celebrated the unveiling of Madden’s Hammock artifacts that were recently returned from the University of Florida’s Museum of Natural History at the request of Vice Mayor Manny Cid. Miami-Dade historian Robert Carr, one of the original archeologists involved in the Hammock excavation, provided a fascinating presentation about the historical background of Madden’s Hammock and...
  American Senior High School hosted a pep rally to kick off  "Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida!" on Monday, January 14. Joined by Miami-Dade County Public School Board Chair Perla Tabares Hantman, Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, senior state Cabinet members, and Florida’s First Lady Ann Scott, the state’s  Department of Education opened the week long festivities at American.  Surrounded by the band,...

Canine Cocktail Hour at Indigo Hotel

Community Friday, February 14, 2014

  Miami-Dade County Animal Services and the Hotel Indigo Miami Lakes invite the public to a Canine Cocktail Happy Hour from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 20. Hotel Indigo is located at 7601 Miami Lakes Drive. Participants will enjoy a “happy yappy” hour with complementary hors d’oeuvres, Cutest Couple Contest, and Doggie Bag Café organic dog treats for their furry best friends. There will also be pets...
  Miami Lakes Branch Library has the following programs available for the public during February: For Children: Family Game Day! – Come to the library and enjoy time with your family playing board games. For all ages. Meets at 3 p.m. on Saturday, February 15. Paws 2 Read – Certified therapy dogs listen as children read aloud and practice their reading skills. For all ages at 11 a.m. on Saturday, February 8. Reading Ready...
  Lawton Chiles Middle School, with the assistance of the Miami-Dade Public Schools (M-DCPS) North Regional Office, began offering the only accelerated science program the county that assists fifth grade students in receiving a middle school science credit. The participants consist of 15 students from Palm Spring North Elementary and 15 students from Spanish Lakes Elementary.  Lawton Chiles worked very closely with these two...