Emily Caraballo, a resident of Miami Lakes and third grade student at Somerset Academy, won first place at the school’s Somerset’s Got Talent show. The talent show included all Somerset schools in South Florida. Caraballo choreographed and danced her own routine using the song “Uptown Funk” by Bruno Mars. 
  Miami-Dade children will have an opportunity to show off their running, jumping and throwing skills during the county’s inaugural “USATF Future Stars” Track and Field Meet.” The event is being presented by USA Track and Field and Miami-Dade Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 6, at Dade Christian School, 6601 N.W. 167 Street. The meet is open to area youth ages...
  Shula’s Golf Club hosted a “Family Fun Night” in early May to expose families and children to the enjoyment of golf. Children of all ages participated and learned the fundamentals of the full swing using a system called SNAG which stands for “Starting New At Golf.” The SNAG system features a larger ball and a larger and lighter golf club simplifying the difficult task of striking the ball straight and...
  The Miami-Dade County School Board unanimously approved two items proposed by Board chair Perla Tabares Hantman at its regular meeting in mid May endorsing a national seat belt enforcement campaign from May 18 through May 31, 2015 and May as vision health awareness month. “The National 2015 “Click It or Ticket” campaign promotes seat belt usage, which is the single most effective way to reduce injuries and fatalities...
  In order to prepare its students for their post-secondary studies and careers, Dade Christian School is committed to providing a learning environment infused with technology, beginning with the elementary program.One goal of the Dade Christian School Technology Refresh Initiative is to empower the students and equip them with the necessary tools for success.Today’s students are becoming increasing digitally literate and the...