BGEC's Ingy Cruz honored with 2015 Ethics Award

Education By R.A. Romero and David L. Snelling, Miami Laker staff Wednesday, November 4, 2015


The Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust awarded Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) teacher and Social Studies Department Chair, Ingy Cruz, the 2015 Ethical Governance Day teacher award for her work leading the next generation in community activism. Cruz was awarded on October 22 at a special assembly held at BGEC. 

“I feel extremely honored that I was even thought of for this award,” said Cruz. “It was with great humility and gratitude that I accepted the 2015 Ethical Governance Day teacher award. As a teacher I put my heart into my work because it is what drives me, but to be recognized for doing what in fact should be an obligation is humbling.”

Cruz began working in Miami-Dade County Public Schools as a paraprofessional, and later as a substitute while in college before she became a teacher in 1997. She was recognized as the 1996 Beginning Teacher of the Year at Miami Lakes Middle School and the 2006 Lawton Chiles Middle School Teacher of the Year, and led the winning team of students at the 2014 Mock Trial competition, earning second place in 2015. She has been teaching at BGEC for the past 11 years and became involved with the school’s law studies program at its inception three years ago. 

“I have been blessed to work at a great school with an amazing group of students and I attribute much of my success to the hard work of the students I teach,” said Cruz. 

The Ethics Commission Board presented the award based on the school district’s recommendation. The award is given to one teacher every year.

Her students earned first place statewide in the Project Citizen Portfolio Showcase and Oral Hearings in 2014 and 2015. In 2014, her students created “Life on the Line,” addressing the need to provide protection of Good Samaritans who report alcohol-related medical incidents.

The 2015 project focused on trying to increase job opportunities for adults with Autism.

Cruz’s class is currently working on a new Project Citizen focused on helping to prevent the loss of life for children from undetected heart disease. 

The project was inspired by Breanna Vergara, dancer at Dancity Studios and Miami Lakes Middle School student who died suddenly during a dance rehearsal due to an undiagnosed and asymptomatic heart condition, Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome. A few students from BGEC were present on the night of the incident and a handful of students knew her from nearby neighborhoods. The project is still in the preliminary stages of research but will eventually move toward creating policies that could save lives. 

A few students from BGEC were present on the night of the incident and a handful of students knew her from nearby neighborhoods. The project is still in the preliminary stages of research but will eventually move toward creating policies that could save lives. 

The students in Cruz’s class are a part of the school’s Civic Engagement Academy (CEA) for citizenship and public service. Seventh grade students will also be participating in the district’s Mock Trial competition in February. Sixth graders are working on a Leadership Building community service project to provide warm soups meals to homeless children once a month from December to March. 

Cruz also serves as liaison for the Close Up program that sends students to Washington, D.C. where they learn more about government.

“I feel that I have a great group of students this year with a world of potential and that with hard work and dedication they will achieve great success,” said Cruz.