Church leaders share messages of peace and hope for Christmas

Religious By Erika Pesantes, Reporter Monday, December 20, 2021

Father Joseph Lucas, Christ the Saviour Orthodox Cathedral 

      The world we inhabit may at times seem a very dark place.  We are bombarded by messages vying for our attention — messages that induce feelings of fear, anger, and helplessness, all leading to anxiety.  

     We have become acutely aware of the suffering that surrounds us. And we too suffer:  If not physically, then mentally and spiritually.  

     Many of us seek a solution to our existential dilemma by turning to the very source of our problems. We look to the material world for happiness and wish that good fortune will shine on us.  

     But in truth, none shall escape suffering in this life; and all who think they can flee from it will eventually succumb to the darkness. 

     And yet, there is hope. There is a gentle light that pierces the gloom. To see it, we must return to a cave in Bethlehem where a newborn infant lies in a manger.  He is man, but he is also God.  

     Although beyond suffering, he entered into our suffering in order to convert darkness into light, death into life. With his entry into the world, our experience of this fragile and broken world was transformed.  

    Now, through Christ Jesus, our misery and agony can be converted into joy and peace.   

    May the birth of our Savior be a brilliant light that leads you to the Father’s house. Merry Christmas! 

    Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Vigil, 6 p.m.; Dec. 25 Christmas Day Liturgy, 10 a.m. 

Rev. Dr. Daniel Medina, Miami Lakes Congregational Church

     Christmas may be a time for family. 

     Christmas may be a time for friends.

     Christmas may be stressful. 

     Christmas may be uninvited. 

     Christmas may not be celebrated at all.

     Christmas may be a time of mourning. 

     Christmas may come and go. 

     Christmas may be a time to party or to spend. 

     Christmas is all this, if left to our own devices and up to our control. 

     Christmas is not anything like this, if recognized for what it has always truly been for. 

     Christmas is the celebration of life eternal available to all – no matter who you are.


Pastor Alex Christian, Miami Lakes United Methodist Church

     The Christmas story shows us how God loves, understands, accepts, and welcomes all people. 

     God coming into our world and experiencing life like one of us. 

     Jesus coming in the chaos of Bethlehem, not finding any place to be born until finally someone made room for him. 

     God sending a special messenger with good news to shepherds left on their own in a field, telling them Jesus has come to make room for everyone. 

     Jesus makes it possible for anyone to have a relationship with God. 

     Jesus brings the promise of peace in the chaos of this world. We can experience this together in our neighborhoods, loving each other the way God loves us.   

     We are all God’s children. We all belong to God’s family. Let us make room for all people. 

     May God’s love move in and through us filling more people and places with God’s love, so all are included finding their place in God’s neighborhood together with us. 

     It is there we find hope, peace, and joy coming together with love this Christmas season. 

 This is a story we all can live into with Jesus making room for everyone.

Pastor Danny Leidy, New Dawn Church

     New Dawn Church wishes you happy holidays and a very Merry Christmas!  

     We pray that you find the opportunity to spend some time with your friends and loved ones this holiday season and that your homes are filled with joy and laughter as it should be during this time.  

     Let us put away the troubles that surround us and the fears that have been imposed upon us so that we can simply enjoy the blessing of close relationships and the friendships God has blessed us with. 

     However, we know that not everyone is able to celebrate this way and we want you to know that you will always have friends here at New Dawn Church.  

     We want to not only be a light to our community, but we want to serve you and love you as Christ served and loved us.  

     We believe that God designed us to be in relationship with Him and with each other.  

     It is one of many goals in our church to make sure that no one is left doing life alone.  We pray that you search out and find yourself a church home where you can find the relationships you need to help you walk this life with the love and compassion God intended you to enjoy.  

     We want you to know you are always welcome here at New Dawn Church and you have an abundance of friends here.  But no matter where you may attend, remember we are loved beyond measure and we are valuable in the eyes of the Lord.  

     It was not only a man that gave His life for us, but a King!  Our Savior, our God!  Emmanuel!  King Jesus.

Rev. Flavio Montes, Parish Administrator, Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church

    Dear Brothers and Sisters:

     With a sincere and fraternal greeting, I invite you to live Christmas this year with a joyful, hopeful but also responsible attitude: He who comes is the one who loves us extremely, who takes our flesh, and He gives his life so that we may have life in abundance (cf. John 10:10). 

     The days prior to the celebration of Christmas are always an opportunity to prepare ourselves to intensify our Christian life and above all, to continue the exercise of what is fundamental in the Church of Christ: the exercise of charity, of mercy, that of the way of life in which the world will recognize that we are children of the merciful Father and missionary disciples of his Son Jesus Christ (cf. John 13:35).

     Christmas is an open door for love since it enables us to be children of God and brothers to one another. Therefore, it is time to review from humility and simplicity our relationship with God and with others.

     This time should serve us to regain the heart of this festivity and discover behind so much superficiality and confusion, the mystery that gives rise to our joy and is the cause of our hope. We have deep reasons for the radiant joy of full joy:  God has become man and has come to dwell among us!

     I wish you all, residents and visitors, a blessed time of Christmas valuing the gift of family and friends, keeping Christ at the center of each gathering since Christ is, and always will be, the reason for the seasons!

     From Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church, we send you our love and warm greetings!

Pastor Al Pino, Palm Vista Community Church

     Angels. Some people love them; some could care less about them, yet the Bible is filled with references to them.

     We find in the Bible that angels, as God’s mighty messengers, play an important role in the Christmas story. They were sent by God to announce Christ’s birth.

     Imagine with me for a moment what the angels must have been thinking on that Christmas day… for, from the beginning of time, they watched in wonder at God’s redemptive activity:

     They watched God create man in His image… They watched man rebel against his Creator... They watched God promise to send a Savior to redeem mankind… They watched God graciously keep His people throughout the Old Testament as a testimony to His promise to bring forth a Savior from that people, Israel… 

     They then watched as the Father sent his son, Jesus, born of a virgin. 

     A multitude of them announced Christ’s birth and declared God’s glory … They watched Christ live the perfect life that man was supposed to live in obedience to God’s moral law… They watched in horror as Christ was beaten and hung on a cross to die for the sins of God’s people who failed to obey that moral law… They watched God raise Christ from the dead for the forgiveness of our sins…

     So, here is what the angels have to say to us this Christmas: “Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior!”  

     May you bow your knee and life to Christ as your Lord and Savior this Christmas!  

     May you know the peace that He brings as the Prince of Peace.     

      This peace is defined as peace between you and God. This peace is firm and eternal, assured for you by Christ’s death and resurrection.

     Please join our Christmas service on Sunday, Dec. 26, 10:30 a.m. or our online live stream at

Photos courtesy of the clerics.