M. Lakes sponsors Arbor Day celebration to commemorate town's tree initiatives

Community Wednesday, May 14, 2014


In honor of National Arbor Day, the Town of Miami Lakes held an Arbor Day Celebration on April 25 to commemorate the town’s tree canopy and to recognize the importance of planting trees in the community.

As part of the event at Miami Lakes Picnic Park West, a Live Oak tree was planted by Mayor Wayne Slaton and Town Council members. Girl Scout Troop 263 participated in the event by reading a tree poem, and the town’s Arborist was on hand to provide information about the town’s tree initiatives and proper-tree planting and trimming.

There are more than 17,000 trees or urban tree canopy in public right of ways and parks in the town.

“The Town of Miami Lakes has been named a Tree City USA for seven consecutive years and has received the Growth Award for five consecutive years from the Arbor Day Foundation,” said Slaton. “This Arbor Day celebration commemorated this important accomplishment and prestigious recognition.”

For more information on the town’s tree canopy initiatives and programs, contact the Department of Community and Leisure Services at 305-364-6100.