Miami Lakes Baptist Church changes name and identity to Elevate Church

Religious By R.A. Romero, The Miami Laker staff Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Miami Lakes Baptist Church took a page from Apple’s marketing handbook for the announcement of their name change to Elevate Church. Church staff simply promoted the sequential date “12.13.14” along with the words “Wish we could tell you more” for weeks which baffled and enticed the congregation. At last, when the day came the name “Elevate” was presented as well as plans to expand church property at their current location at 6250 Miami Lakes Dr.

For a church that has endured change in various aspects of leadership over the last 10 years, a name change to represent the renewal of an identity seemed only fitting. 

“Although this is in a sense a brand new identity, it really is a reflection of the heart behind what the church has been doing over the last 5 years which is to keep Christ elevated,” said Worship Director Gerry Sosa. “With the name Miami Lakes Baptist Church, it emphasized two things: the community, which we love, and the denomination, which we are still associated with. But what we really wanted was to show Christ exalted and now that’s represented in our name.”


“Elevate” was a name formerly used by the church’s prayer ministry whose prayers, Sosa says, is what catapulted the church into the harvest they are now witnessing. About 450 attenders pass through the church on any given Sunday for one of the three allotted service times at 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., and 12:30 p.m. 


Louis Egipciaco, formerly the church’s Youth Pastor, left the church for some time only to return as Lead Pastor 5 years ago. Coming full circle from Egipciaco’s time as Youth Pastor to a long stretch without any youth ministry is yet another change – the addition of youth nights on Friday nights at 7 p.m. scheduled to begin April 10. The church plans to continue engaging with the youth and the community through events such as its annual Easter Egg Hunt. 

Regarding the church’s new name, Egipciaco said “We feel that Miami Lakes Baptist Church states that this is place for Baptists that live in Miami Lakes only. That name puts a denomination fence around our church. That is not the case! We want everyone to know that Elevate Church is a place where anyone can come and connect with Jesus. Our dream is to see Jesus elevated in our city.”

For more information visit or call 305-823-3888.