Miss Senior Miami Lakes

Community By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Thursday, October 20, 2022

      The Town of Miami Lakes and its Elderly Affairs Committee celebrated women over 60 in town with its first Miss Senior Miami Lakes contest.

     Held Sept. 25 at Miami Lakes Hotel on Main, it was the most well-attended event for seniors so far this year, said Committee Chair Dottie Wix.

     Contestants performed various talents including singing, poetry reading and dancing. They also spoke to the crowd about their lives and wore evening attire.

     Judges included Fred Senra of Miami Lakes AutoMall; Beatriz Hernandez of Catholic Hospice; Monica Garcia of CarePlus Health Plans and Victoria Cruz-Barnacet of Chen Senior Medical Center.

     The winners were Mercedes Carles, who sang and won third place; Bonnie Cintron, first place winner who performed poetry and Maria Perez, who danced for the audience.