A celebration of life was held at the Main Street Playhouse (MSP) on August 22 in honor of John Olivera, a long-time member, who passed away suddenly on August 2. Past and present members of MSP gathered together, along with Olivera’s brother Alex, to laugh, cry and share wonderful memories. Olivera was a member of the Main Street Players for many years, dating back to the mid 1990’s when it was still the Community Theatre...
  Want to be a “SPOOKTASTIC” volunteer at the Youth Activities Task Force’s annual Halloween event, “Nightmare on Montrose,” on Saturday, October 27? A total of 75 high school volunteers are needed and volunteer registration is on a first come, first served basis. Volunteers must attend three dates to receive their community service hours: •Wednesday, October 10, 6 to 8 p.m. • Friday, October 26,...

Town Foundation requests Mini-Grant program ideas

Community Wednesday, September 19, 2018

  The Miami Lakes Town Foundation has called for proposals for its Mini-Grant program. The Foundation was created to encourage, foster and conduct programs for the continuing education and literacy education of members of the community as well as to conduct and develop other programs within the community related to youth projects, beautification projects, and other cultural events for the benefit of the community and its citizens....
  Time is running out for Miami Lakes residents to nominate a deserving individual to be the Grand Marshal for the 39th annual Veteran’s Day Parade which is scheduled for Sunday, November 11. The Grand Marshal will be selected by the Town’s Veterans Committee at their October meeting. Criteria includes: • Be in good standing in the community. • Be a person who has displayed outstanding service, pride and commitment...

Council creates a blasting Advisory Committee

Community Wednesday, September 19, 2018

  Discontent over a study which indicated the rock mining industry is blasting within Florida’s regulations, albeit allegedly causing damages to homes, Miami Lakes has created a committee to push for changes. Though the state’s Fire Marshall Office regulates blasting, the committee would work with the Miramar Blasting Advisory Committee and other anti-blasting groups to monitor the explosions and residents’ complaints...