Miami Lakes’ popular Start Smart Sports Development program opened Wednesday, September 2 for the first of two six-week sessions at Picnic Park West, 15151 N.W. 82 Avenue. The program helps prepare children, ages 3-5, for organized youth sports by using safe and fun equipment to teach them basic motor skills needed to compete. Classes are held for six consecutive Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Session 1 runs to October 2, and...
  Miami Lakes Branch Library announced the following programs are available for the public during September:For Children and Families:Saturday Matinee at the Library – Miami Lakes Branch presents family friendly films. Movie is “Home” at 3 p.m. on Saturday, September 5. Reading Ready Toddler Storytime – Stories, songs, and activities for toddlers and theur caregivers. For ages 18 months to 3 years old...
  The Miami Lakes Optimist Club is continuing registration for its Fall youth flag football program from 10 a.m. to noon on consecutive Saturdays, September 5 and September 12, at Miami Lakes Middle School, 6425 Miami Lakeway North. The registration cost is $120 for new players and $100 for returning players. Participants, ages 5 to 13, can also register on online at from August 29 to September 12. The cutoff birthdate...
  Three longtime students of Maria Cama’s Piano Studio in Miami Lakes have recently made the transition to colleges and universities.  Miami Lakes residents, Joseph Clayton Brock, 21, Mariah Crowny, 20, and Jesus Lopez, 18, have spent their formative years playing piano, participating in recitals and excelling at school. Brock is entering his first year of internal medicine at Liberty University College of Osteopathic...

Shula's Golf Course holds Thursday Night Shootouts

Community Wednesday, September 2, 2015

    Shula’s Golf Course is hosting a “Thursday Night Shootout” beginning Thursday, September 3, and will run every Thursday at 5 p.m. until November 5. The shootout will take place at Shula’s Senator Course at the golf club, located at 7601 Miami Lakes Drive, and is open to anyone with an established handicap or GHIN number.The event is $15 per person and covers carts, green fees. Those interested in the...