Twelve Pace High seniors accepted by University of Florida for the fall semester

Education by Raquel Edmundson, Special to the Miami Laker Tuesday, February 27, 2018

  Monsignor Edward Pace High School (Pace) announced that 12 of its Spartan seniors have been accepted to attend the University of Florida (UF) in the fall semester of 2018.  The students accepted are Eudens Antoines, Tajmara Antoines, Myriam Dominique, Sharon Flores, Aleisha Fleurantine, Grace Li, Keanu Orfano, Alexander Pereda, Mikeiveka Sanon, Matthew Schaffer, Joshua Toledo and Nickolas Valdes. This group of well-rounded...

NBC 6 reporter Darryl Forges visits MLEC

Education By Gabriella Licona and Devin Dubon, Special to The Miami Laker Tuesday, February 27, 2018

  Darryl Forges, a reporter for NBC 6, visited Miami Lakes Educational Center’s (MLEC) newsroom on January 25, and discussed journalism, work ethic and the 24-hour news cycle with students who run the school newspaper, The Harbinger. Forges’s news reel, a compilation of his latest work, ranging from crime scene coverage to a ‘punny’ segment of Zoo Miami’s yearly Zoo Doo event was testament to the...
  Miami Lakes K-8 Center Kindergarten teachers Tania Martinez and Yanelys Canales celebrated the first 100 days of school with students making T-shirts at home and bringing them back to class with 100 different items on it. Pictured is Canales’ class with “Miami Lakes K8 100 days Canales Class” T-shirts; and Martinez poses with her kindergarten class.  

Pace High School seniors participate in traditional class trip abroad to Canada

Education By Raquel Edmundson, Special to the Miami Laker Tuesday, February 27, 2018

  Just before the President’s Day weekend, members of Monsignor Edward Pace High School’s (Pace) Class of 2018, participated in a highly anticipated annual tradition, the senior class trip to Canada. After months of planning and coordinating just the right winter attire, 54 seniors and seven  chaperones made up of faculty and administrators, boarded a plane to Canada. For many, it was their very first time traveling out...
  Gabriella Mestre is a junior at Barbara Goleman Senior High School (BGSHS) who is raising money for homeless awareness in her community. To combat these issues, she started an initiative in her school called Teens Against Homelessness (TAH).  Mestre emphasizes the problem of homelessness across communities in South Florida, and believes that the problem could easily be eradicated if people come together to help one another. ...