Palm Springs North Elementary names Tiffany Gomez top teacher

Education By David L. Snelling, The Miami Laker staff Tuesday, February 13, 2018

  After earning her Master’s Degree in reading education from Nova Southeastern University, Tiffany Gomez never thought she’d be teaching her worst subject in school: Math. “I didn’t like math but because of it, I can relate to my students and understand their struggles,” she said. “Through reading and writing, you can express your feelings but math is concrete, you may not get it now but you will...

Mater Lakes' FBLA places high in District meet

Education Tuesday, February 13, 2018

  Mater Lakes Academy’s (MLA) Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) students competed at their district competition on Friday, January 26. MLA’s FBLA chapter had 42 members place in their respective categories. “The students spent several weeks preparing for the district competition,” said Giovanni Lorenzo, FBLA sponsor. “It is gratifying to see their hard work pay off as they competed, and it shows in...

Bob Graham Edu. Center celebrates Literacy Week

Education Tuesday, February 13, 2018

  Bob Graham Educational Center (BGEC) celebrated National Literacy Week January 22-26. Students at BGEC participated in many activities to celebrate the joys of reading during this time. Although BGEC has had similar book parades in the past, this is the school’s first time commemorating this educational holiday.  Literacy Week is celebrated throughout the district and is sponsored by Just Read, Florida! and the Florida...

HML Senior High names two outstanding teachers

Education by Kayleen Padron, The Miami Laker staff Tuesday, February 13, 2018

  Raul Hernandez has been named Hialeah Miami Lakes Senior High School’s (HML) Teacher of the Year. Hernandez teaches chemistry for all grade levels in Advanced Placement (AP) and honors, and he also teaches AP biology.  “It truly is an honor to be named teacher of the year. I work with some amazing teachers and to be recognized by my peers is truly amazing,” Hernandez said.  Hernandez graduated from South...
  Orlando Paz will be a graduate of the Class of 2018. He will be attending Hamilton College in Upstate New York thanks to earning a POSSE Scholarship. He’s been a Miami Lakes resident all his life and had attended Bob Graham K-8 Center and will now be graduating from Barbara Goleman Senior High School (BGHS). He is currently the Student Government Association’s (SGA) President, National Honor Society Vice-President and a...