Mater Academy starts robotics program

Education Thursday, January 5, 2017

This past summer, three teachers from Mater Lakes Academy received training from the organization, Project Lead the Way, to enhance the STEM program at Mater Lakes Academy.One of the teachers, Amy Garcia, received training in the Engineering program to begin teaching that at Mater Lakes Academy for the 2016-2017 school year. Garcia, the sponsor for the SECME club at Mater Lakes, (Science, Engineering, Communication, Mathematics, and...

SLE marks National Parent Involvement Day

Education Thursday, January 5, 2017

Spanish Lake Elementary administration and faculty inaugurated the first annual “Read To Your Child Day” to honor National Parent Involvement Day, held in late November. Although SLE encourages parental involvement, this was a special day for parents to come into the classroom to read to their child. If a parent could not attend, the child was teamed with another parent attending. Teachers readily had a selection of books on...
Bob Graham Education Center’s Civics Engagement Academy participated in the civics competition “We the People" and came in first place at the district level. This elite team of students will represent M-DCPS at the State level in Orlando on Friday, January 13. The school administration, faculty, staff and parents thank teachers, Jackie Hernandez, Ingy Cruz and John Brady, who worked diligently with the students. The group looks...

Mayor Manny Cid visits BGEC during Career Day

Education Thursday, January 5, 2017

Bob Graham Education Center was honored by having Mayor Manny Cid present at both the Primary Learning Center and Main Campus Career Day. Cid was able to give insight for the huge task of being the Mayor of the Town of Miami Lakes, as well as his other careers. It was a great two days at Bob Graham Education Center for the children who aspire to be in the political field when they grow up.

BGEC earns 13th consecutive ‘A’ grade

Education Thursday, January 5, 2017

Since Bob Graham Education Center’s opening 14 years ago, the school has earned 13 consecutive “A” grades, adding the 2015-2016 school year to the growing list. The school was recognized by Representative Manny Diaz, Jr. on  December 12 for the achievement and will proudly display its flag for the 13th year. The school administrators and staff thank all students, educators, administration, parents, grandparents and...