Children's Safety Walk held at MLK-8 Center

Featured Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Miami-Dade County Public Schools Board chair Perla Tabares Hantman, along with district representatives, community members, students and faculty from Miami Lakes K-8 Center participated in the 2016 Walk Our Children To School day on Tuesday, October 4.The International Walk to School Day event increases the awareness of safe walking skills, safe routes to schools for students and parents, as well as walking as an exercise that promotes good...
Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) has been named best in the state for its civil citation efforts for the second consecutive year. According to “Stepping Up: Florida’s Top Juvenile Civil Citation Efforts” 2016 report, M-DCPS ranks number one in terms of utilization of civil citations, calculated by using the percentage of eligible students who received a civil citation. The study indicates that the increased use...

MLEC students interviewed by CBS4

Education Monday, October 17, 2016

Miami Lakes Educational Center’s Social Studies Department chair John Moffi received a call from the Miami-Dade Public Schools district looking for students who would be discussing the much-watched and highly anticipated presidential debate. CBS4 reporter Ted Scouten visited the school to speak with the students in Neyda Borges’ journalism classroom. Borges’ students have been researching and following the updates and...
Hialeah Miami Lakes Senior High School welcomed radio station 103.5 and the organization Teens for Teens as the groups set up an area for 18-year-old students to register to vote for the upcoming elections.

Enrollment continues for over 380 magnet programs

Education Monday, October 17, 2016

Miami-Dade County Public Schools opened its enrollment period for magnet programs across the school district on Saturday, October 1. Applications will be accepted through Sunday, January 15, 2017. In addition to the many exciting programs that were offered last year, parents and students will be able to choose from new and innovative magnet programs that were created for the 2016-2017 school year. Magnet programs offer unique thematic strands...