Local schools included in new GOB projects

Education Thursday, March 31, 2016

  Swift progress on the GOB program implementation continues. At its meeting of March 9, 2016, the Miami-Dade School Board approved various GOB projects with a total investment value of approximately $34.4 million. The General Obligation Bond approved overwhelmingly by the voters in 2012 is being implemented to renovate and replace schools, expand student capacity, enhance safety, and provide technology upgrades. Three of the projects...

GOB funds new playground at BGEC

Education Thursday, March 31, 2016


Students at Bob Graham Education Center will benefit from the completion of the school’s GOB investment in replacing the playground. The younger students eagerly began using the playground as the interact during recess with their peers. 

Pace High graduation senior Maya Lora offers parting thoughts

Education By Maya Lora, Special to The Miami Laker Thursday, March 31, 2016

  Most 14-year-old freshmen stepping onto a high school campus for the first time have a very different idea of love than one they will eventually understand. The only taste they’ve had of it has been through romance movies they binge watch on the weekends, where “I love you” means a kiss or a proposal.  After being at Pace for four years, I have stumbled onto a different concept of love that I personally find...
  And the award goes to the Hialeah Miami Lakes High School! The Trojans’ UN Competition Team won the Best Small Delegation Award last month at Florida International University’s annual competition. Students Rolando Hernandez and Carolina Hernandez won Best Delegate in their respective DISEC Committee, representing the nation of Iran. Jessica Basallo received Honorable Mention for her efforts in the hybrid NATO assembly as...

Goleman Science Honor Society revives Gator Recycling Program

Education By R.A. Romero, Miami Laker staff Thursday, March 31, 2016

  The Goleman Gator Recycling Program has been revived after nearly two years of being out of commission. The revival was a combined effort of the Science National Honor Society (SNHS) and Key Club. Between both groups, each taking half of the school, they are responsible for collecting recyclables from around the school on Wednesdays after class. Each classroom has a designated recycling bin and teachers are asked to put the bins...