Town sues to stop road construction

Community By David Snelling Reporter Friday, October 18, 2019

Town officials were shocked when a hydraulic backhoe dug a ditch and a front-end loader filled the trench with gravel along Northwest 170th Street.The street leads to a closed bridge that the city of Hialeah and Miami-Dade County apparently want to open soon.“They’re doing the work without permits,” Mayor Manny Cid said Oct. 2 as he observed the road work at Northwest 89th Avenue. Cid said the construction partially trespassed on town...

Pizzi lawsuit back in court

Government By David Snelling Reporter Friday, October 18, 2019

After a federal jury found in 2014 that former Miami Lakes Mayor Michael Pizzi was not guilty of conspiracy to commit extortion and bribery, he sought to have the town pay more than $2.5 million in legal fees. Pizzi was mayor in 2013 when the FBI arrested him in a sting, and then Gov. Rick Scott suspended him from office. After Pizzi was acquitted and reinstated as mayor, he sued the town to recover the costs of his defense. The town has...

Political rivals gather to support mayor’s campaign

Government By David Snelling Reporter Friday, October 18, 2019

To show there were no hard feelings after Miami Lakes Mayor Cid defeated them in past elections, former mayor Wayne Slaton and former councilwoman Mary Collins threw their support behind Cid in his 2020 reelection bid.The two formercouncilmembers attended Cid’s campaign kickoff party on Sept. 25 at the Miami Lakes home of Marcos and Karol Gutierrez.During a brief speech, Cid described his accomplishments in Miami Lakes.“We built trust in the...

Guajiro Harvest Festival Oct. 26

Government Friday, October 18, 2019

The Guajiro Harvest Festival, which is named for Cuban farm workers and will celebrate the autumn season, is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 26 at Amelia Earhart Park.The family friendly event is free and will be held at the Bill Graham Farm Village inside the park, at 401 E. 65th St. in Hialeah.Presented by Miami-Dade County CommissionerEsteban Bovo, Jr., festivities will happen from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.It will include a Halloween costume parade;...

Police: Follow the 9 p.m. routine

Government Friday, October 18, 2019

Do you have a 9 p.m. Routine?The phrase refers to a law enforcement program that reminds property owners to remove valuables from their cars and trucks, every night, and make sure vehicle doors and trunks are locked.Valuables can include cash and checks, personal electronics, weapons and even paperwork that could be used by someone who would want to steal your identity.Also, turn on outdoor lights and lock doors and gates to your home.Don’t...