Live remote comments now available for all residents

Government Thursday, March 14, 2019

Miami Lakes has implemented a new innovative technological feature, Live Remote Public Comments. The new feature allows residents to participate in the public comments section of all Town Council meetings and Miami Lakes is the first municipality in the U.S. to offer this technology.How to access Remote Public Comments:• Visit the Town’s website• On the left side of the screen under “Town Council” heading, click on...

Programs set for March at Miami Lakes Library

Community Thursday, March 14, 2019

Miami Lakes Branch Library announced the following programs that are available for the public during March:For Children and Families:Movies and Stories for Kids – Watch favorite movies with family and friends. Movies being shown this month are “Christopher Robin,” “Teen Titans Go to the Movies,” “Darby O’Gill and the Little People,” and “Secret Life of Pets.” Events made possible by the Town of Miami Lakes Education Advisory Board at 3 p.m....

STU's Brandon Keller interns at the White House

Government Thursday, March 14, 2019

St. Thomas University student Brandon Keller recently did an internship at The White House during his fall semester. Keller got the oppurtunity by committing himself to public service extensively. He first started by interning with the U.S. Treasury Department in Miami, becoming student president, interning for Senator Marco Rubio and volunteering to help struggling students at Carol City Middle School. The experience made Keller want to...
The Miami Lakes Planning and Zoning Board last week approved an ordinance to amend the town’s land development code to post human trafficking awareness signs in commercial areas, hotels, apartment buildings and parks and recreation centers in the town.The measure is to help law enforcement crack down on Human Trafficking which has become a growing problem in Florida.Human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labor,...
Miami Lakes Blasting Advisory Committee will host a one-day round trip to Tallahassee on Wednesday, March 20.Attendees will be visiting the Florida state capital during the current legislative session to support Florida Senator Manny Diaz Jr. and Florida Representative Ana Maria Rodriguez’s “Blasting” bill which is currently in the drafting stage.The bus will depart from Royal Oaks Park, 16500 N.W. 87 Avenue. Persons interested in joining in...