Mayor Manny Cid and Councilmembers honored a group of Miami Lakes community members who coordinated and participated as volunteers for the first Miami Lakes Food and Wine Festival during the March 6 Council meeting. Lynn Matos was applauded for her inspiring efforts in the coordination of the successful event which was supported by the Cultural Affairs and Economic Development committees. Matos is a local Real Estate professional, was...
  Miami Lakes Veterans Committee will memorialize veterans and Vice-Admiral Diego Hernandez at their Tree Dedication Ceremony at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 22, at Miami Lakes Picnic Park West, 15151 N.W. 82 Avenue. Hernandez was a longtime Miami Lakes resident and former Veterans Committee chairman. He commanded the Navy’s Third Fleet. After receiving a Navy ROTC scholarship, he went into Navy flight training. His military...

Council places term limits extension on ballot

Business By David L. Snelling, The Miami Laker staff Tuesday, March 13, 2018

  Facing a possible $1.5 million budget deficit and needing additional resource police officers at local schools to shield students and teachers from gun violence, the Town of Miami Lakes has turned to an electrical franchise fee increase which may be applied to residents’ FPL bill.  But constituents will have the final approval for a proposed rate of 4.6 percent, as part of a new franchise agreement with the utility company,...
  Miami Lakes Cultural Affairs Committee will celebrate Irish-Scottish Heritage month with the St. Andrew’s Bag Pipe Band of Miami. The free event is scheduled from 5 until 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 24, at the Mary Collins Community Center, 15151 N.W. 82 Avenue. Established in 1964, St. Andrews Pipe Band has performed at various events throughout South Florida to promote the Scottish culture. The Cultural Affairs Committee...
  Miami Lakes Veteran’s Committee will hold its annual Flag Retirement Ceremony from 10 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 17, at Miami Lakes Picnic Park West, 15151 N.W. 82 Avenue. Parking will be available at the Parkside Corporate Center on the East side of the park. Residents are encouraged to bring flags that are in poor condition to Town Hall, 6601 Main Street, by 5 p.m. on Monday, March 12, so they can be properly retired. For...