Gwen Graham, daughter of former U.S. Senator and Florida Governor Bob Graham, announced her candidacy to serve as the state’s next governor during an early May press conference in Miami Gardens.“We do not have time for typical politics, because this is the time to paint Florida’s future in sharp lines, and bold colors,” Graham said.With her family by her side, she said after almost 20 years of enduring a state...
Time is running out to enter Round 2 of the “Capture a Miami Lakes Moment” photo contest.Residents can win a fabulous prize by taking photos that depict their favorite place or thing to do in Miami Lakes. This is an excellent chance to capture the “hometown feel” and stunning views of the Miami Lakes community.The winning photographers will be recognized  at the September Town Council meeting and top entry photos...
The Town of Miami Lakes and Miami-Dade County Art in n Public Places is calling all artists to design a fun and interactive outdoor public art project for the Town’s newly  renovated Miami Lakes Optimist Park Clubhouse located at 6411 N.W. 162 Street.The Clubhouse is a state-of-the-art, modern building designed to provide the Town with indoor public recreational space, and serve as a home for the Miami Lakes Optimist Club, a...

Town receives state grants check

Government Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Miami Lakes received a $1,325,000 check from the State of Florida at the Town’s July 4th event for two critical projects approved by the Florida Legislature. State Representative Manny Diaz Jr. (center) presented the check to Town officials (from left) Councilmember Ceasar Mestre, Vice Mayor Tony Lama, Mayor Manny Cid, and Councilmembers Frank Mingo, Tim Daubert, and Luis Collazo. The state grants provide $1 million for Phase 2 of the...

Com. Esteban Bovo Jr. applauds MDX toll relief

Government Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Toll relief and additional funding for transportation services recently became the bright spots for Miami-Dade when the County Commission burst into cheers during a meeting.  Miami-Dade County Commission chairman Esteban Bovo Jr. thanked Florida’s Governor Rick Scott for signing House Bill 1049 that will result in MDX toll relief and more funding for transit in Miami-Dade County, which is needed to make upgrades.“I would like...