Bob Graham Education Center students in the Civic Engagement Academy got a civics lesson earlier this month from State Senator Rene Garcia, State Representative Manny Diaz Jr., and Miami Lakes Councilmember Frank Mingo.The students were in Tallahassee and received a tour of the Florida Senate and House chambers respectfully, and learned how an idea becomes a law and how the Florida budget works every year. Hitting close to home was how the...

Council approves preliminary plat for balance of Town Center

Community By The Miami Laker staff Thursday, February 2, 2017

At the January 17 regular meeting, Council members approved The Graham Companies’ preliminary plat application, consistent with the approved site plan for the completion of Town Center and consistent with the Town Center Zoning District unanimously adopted by the Council on September 1, 2015. The project includes ground floor retail on Main Street with six floors of residential above, another five story residential building,...
To its residents, Miami Lakes is widely recognized as a welcoming community with “extraordinary beauty” where state of the art planning concepts create vibrant hubs that are safe and friendly to all people. And that’s the town’s vision for the next nine years, as town officials and residents established their goals and objectives for Miami Lakes’ Strategic Plan during a workshop last month at Miami Lakes Town...
In May 2016, Councilmember Ceasar Mestre, in partnership with the Town’s Public Safety Committee and Police Department, spearheaded the “Lock It or Lose It” awareness campaign aimed at encouraging community residents to lock their vehicles and remove any valuables.Miami Lakes Police enacted a variety of investigative and proactive efforts. Additionally, informational flyers on how to prevent these crimes were disseminated by...
Miami Lakes Youth Center “The Spot,” will host several fun and exciting programs for middle and high schools students from 6 to 8 p.m. during February at 6075 Miami Lakes Drive.Wednesday, February 1 is Music Day. February 1st is known as “The Day the Music Died.” Teens can hang and listen to music of the greats that are no longer with us like Michael Jackson, Prince, Bob Marley and John Lennon, while singing karaoke,...