Councilmember Manny Cid is third to enter mayoral race

Featured By David Snelling, Miami Laker staff Tuesday, January 19, 2016

  Miami Lakes Councilmember Manny Cid, who initially filed papers to run for reelection for his at-large seat, has changed his mind and is now running for mayor. The announcement came last week, when Cid released a statement indicating he mulled running for mayor long before he launched his reelection bid for his council seat, but his support base for mayor grew stronger, which essentially sealed his decision. “After much prayer,...

Summary of Town Council Actions on Jan. 5

Community Thursday, January 14, 2016

  Boy Scout Troop 49 is the oldest scout organization in Miami Lakes and has called the old Picnic Park Community Center on Miami Lakes Drive East its home for more than 30 years. But the building, also known as “The Shack,” was torn down to make way for a new youth center three years ago and the group was displaced and forced to find temporary space for their meetings, awards ceremonies and banquets at the Mary Collins and...

Town honors staff, officers with 10 years of service

Government Thursday, January 14, 2016

  At the January 5 Town Council meeting, Town employees who have served Miami Lakes for over 10 years were presented with Certificates of Appreciation for their outstanding commitment and superior service. The recognitions were presented to the following administration staff: Town Manager Alex Rey, Chief of Operations Tony Lopez CPRE, Building Official Eliezer Palacio, Controller Arturo Moron, Code Compliance Manager Lourdes Sosa and...
Miami Lakes Neighborhood Improvement Committee (NIC) will host a Community Forum at 7 p.m. on Thursday, January 21, in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, 6601 Main Street.A presentation of the Town’ Strategic Plan will be offered by assistant Town Manager Andrea Agha. The plan includes strategies the Town is pursuing to increase mobility as well as economic development through the enhancement of community hugs and activity centers for...

Town Council settles one Pizzi lawsuit for $460,000

Community Wednesday, January 6, 2016

  The Miami Lakes Town Council narrowly approved an agreement to pay Mayor Michael Pizzi’s attorney fees generated from his reinstatement court cases, settling one of his two lawsuits against the town in a legal dispute that has dragged on for eight months. The next step is for both sides to resolve Pizzi’s legal fees from his criminal trial, as his lawyers are seeking $2.5 million in court costs. At a special meeting two...