Have you ever driven over a pot hole, or walked over a broken sidewalk and wanted to report it, but just didn’t have the time? “Lakes Life Mobile” now enables residents to submit service requests such as pot holes and sidewalk damage right from their phone.Simply take a picture and the app will find the location. The request is immediately routed to the appropriate department, and the person submitting the item will...

Watch orders can protect property while away

Community Tuesday, July 14, 2015

  Summertime was meant for traveling but if residents are concerned about leaving their home unattended, they should worry no more. Issuing a Watch Order with local police is a simple way to help residents achieve peace of mine while they are enjoying their vacation. Call the Miami Lakes Police Department located in Town Hall and provide address, vacation dates and emergency contact information. Officers on duty will patrol the area and...
  Due to a flawed accounting system that led to under billing for special taxing districts administered by Miami-Dade, Miami Lakes and Palm Springs North are among the many cities and unincorporated areas that may face rate increases next year to offset $2 million for security guard gate, lighting and public works services. Among the 1,068 special taxing districts administered in 2016, 234 of them could see a hike. Last month, county...
  The Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) is helping county residents save water and money by celebrating July as Smart Irrigation Month. July is a peak time for outdoor water use, making it the perfect time to promote efficient water use. “This July, take a few minutes to identify ways that you and your family can become more water efficient and still maintain beautiful yards and landscaping,” said WASD director...

Gov. Scott vetoes two major Miami Lakes Capital Improvement projects

Community By David L. Snelling, The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, July 1, 2015

  Florida Governor Rick Scott vetoed $461 million earmarked for special projects in the state’s $78.6 billion budget, among them two of Miami Lakes’ capital improvement projects after two lawmakers secured funding to enhance the quality of life of residents living in the 6.5 square-mile municipality.State Representatives Manny Diaz Jr. (R-Miami Lakes) and Jose Oliva (R-Miami Lakes) initially squeezed $11 million in the...