Updates on Town parks available on 'Lakes Life' app

Community Thursday, August 20, 2015

  “Lakes Life” wants to keep residents in the know about all things in Miami Lakes including the town’s parks. The Town’s new mobile app, “Lakes Life,” will be updated to allow app users the ability to receive updates on the Town’s two active parks – Miami Lakes Optimist Park and Royal Oaks Park. App users will be notified via push notifications if the parks are open for play or closed due...

Free promotion for events by Town of Miami Lakes

Community Thursday, August 20, 2015

  The Town of Miami Lakes offers an opportunity for organizations to promote their community events at no cost on the Community Calendar page on the Town’s website. The calendar features events, meetings and programs that are open to the public and organized by local businesses, non-profit organizations, and houses of worship. To view, visit www.miamilakes-fl.gov/commcalendar. The Town also hosts a recreational program calendar at...
  During presentations at the July 8 County Commission meeting, Commissioner Esteban Bovo Jr. recognized the following honorees: Bryan Calvo from Westland Hialeah Senior High School, Silver Night nominee; Dr. Kenneth Handelsman from Westland Hialeah Senior High School, Teacher of the Year; Lisa Espinosa from Westland Hialeah Senior High School, Rookie Teacher of the Year; Erica Nunez, PTA president of Miami Lakes K-8 Center for...

Tensions mount between mayor and council members

Government By David L. Snelling, The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, August 5, 2015

  Last month’s Miami Lakes Town Council meeting saw a continuation of the intense animosity between the mayor and lawmakers. At the July 21 regular meeting, Mayor Michael Pizzi and council members had several heated exchanges while debating Councilmember Tony Lama’s legislative proposal that prevents lawmakers from using the town’s resources for non-town sponsored events.  Lama, who was out of the country on...
  The Miami Lakes Town Council unanimously voted to keep the same rate of 2.3518 for property taxes for next year, which is expected to generate about $6 million in revenues.At the July 21 regular meeting, Town Manager Alex Rey indicated the rate, along with other revenues, gives Miami Lakes enough budget money to complete some capital improvement projects and the lawsuit settlement with Mayor Michael Pizzi, whose attorneys are...