Town Topics: What is your panic snack when a hurricane is coming?

Community By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Patricia Medina Select Employee Benefits Consultant USI Insurance Services Miami

“Chips, more specifically Tostitos with salsa,” Patricia Medina said. “It’s like a nostalgic Florida snack.”  

J.R. Longstaff Owner, Your Guy Travel Agency Miami Lakes

 “For me it’s something easy:  Peanut Butter M&Ms,” J.R. Longstaff said. “It’s comfort food, it’s easy and hopefully [I can] make them last the entire time.” 

Gabriella Lipson Medical Device Sales Miami

 “Chips and salsa, maybe a protein bar,” Gabriella Lipson said. “You know, something to satiate me.

Frantz Lerebours, M.D. Orthopedic Surgeon  Baptist Health  South Florida Miami

 “The one snack I love to have, my wife is Brazilian, there is something called pão de queijo or cheese bread,” Dr. Frantz Lerebours said. 

Carina Marrero Chief Operating Officer, Memorial Healthcare System Memorial Hospital Miramar Davie

“I never get to be home during a hurricane, I have to be at the hospital,” Carina Marrero said. 

“I probably start with healthy snacks because you’re thinking you’re going to be there for three days. So probably peanut butter pretzels.” 

Alexandra Herrera interviewed and photographed our Town Topics talkers. We thank you all!