Always At Your Side Adult Day holds grand opening

Community Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Town of Miami Lakes and other state and local officials participated in the grand opening on March 8 of the Always At Your Side Adult Day Care Facility at the Lake Patricia Shopping Center. The center will be one of the few in South Florida licensed to care for Alzheimer patients. Staffed with qualified personnel, the center is structured with comfort in mind, and designed to make clients feel like they are at home. Pictured (from left) Councilmembers Nelson Rodriguez and Ceasar Mestre, Always At Your Side  owners Roberto and Alexandra Alonso and Vice Mayor Manny Cid, Councilmembers Frank Mingo and Tim Daubert, Hialeah City Council president Isis Garcia-Martinez, Miami Springs Councilman Jaime Petralanda, and State Representative Eddy Gonzalez.