BGEC's Bobcat Dancers emerge as national champions

Featured Wednesday, March 19, 2014


The Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) Bobcat Dance Team had the opportunity to participate in the Contest of Champions National Competition in Orlando, FL. The competition took place on Saturday, March 1 at the ESPN WorldWide Sports Complex.

Schools from all over the country came to showcase their talents but the BGEC Bobcat Dancers won first place in their category. The dancers performed a dynamic 80's routine set to a medley of 80's music.

The girls took the judges and audience way back to the 80's in an open routine which included jazz, hip-hop, kick line and cheer.

BGEC's dancers worked hard and their determination and work ethic paid off. They emerged as National Champions in the middle school "open" category. Under the direction of dance coach Mayri Martinez, the dancers returned home with a trophy and a team of confident dancers.