Bob Graham Education Center students participate in 'See You at the Pole'

Religious Wednesday, October 16, 2013


On September 25, students at Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) came together to participate in an event called “See You at the Pole,” a global day of student prayer that began in 1990 with 10 students praying at their school. 

Twenty years later, millions of students around the world pray on their campuses on the fourth Wednesday in September. “See You at the Pole” is simply a prayer rally where students meet at the school flagpole before school to lift up their friends, families, teachers, school and nation to God. 

This year’s Scripture to focus on was 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and  will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 

With that promise in mind, the BGEC students humbled themselves and lifted up their teachers and the school’s entire faculty and volunteers in prayer. They prayed for the Lord to give them wisdom, patience, compassion, and discernment during this school year. 

They prayed for what was on their hearts, wisdom for the government officials that make decisions for all of us, the safety of everyone in the school, their friends and families, the men and women that are serving around the world and at home protecting the nation. They prayed for the sick to be healed, and for peace around the world. 

They prayed for healing and reconciliation in the families that have been separated for whatever reasons, and for strength and comfort for the single parents that face so many struggles and challenges. 

The students committed to attending “See You at the Pole” in the coming years no matter what school they might find themselves in.