'Geezers' in Senior Games softball

Sports Friday, March 4, 2016


As part of Miami Lakes 10th annual Senior Games, a Senior Softball game was held on February 10 at Miami Lakes Optimist Park where the Home team “Geezers” captured an exciting 7-6 victory in the bottom of the 10th inning. Participating were (kneeling, from left) Mariano Fernandez and Fred Rodriguez; (standing, from left) Ed Londono, Alberto Sordo-Ramos, Lee Collins, Bob Jones, Peter Fishel, Angel Heernandez, Dave Oliver, Jose Caballero, Bruce Davidson, Jose Rivera, Frank Weber, Gilbert Alfonso, Carlos Gonzalez, Alfredo Rodriguez, Ernie Garcia, Andrew Clavijo (who had the walk-off winning hit in the 10th inning), and Oscar Sauri. The Senior softball “Geezers” play every Monday and Wednesday at 9 a.m.