Samurai Snacks Productions, an independent group of experienced Miami Lakes filmmakers, is currently raising awareness and seeking support for their short film, “Fantasy Inn.”
The members of Samurai Snacks include Alex Casanova, Ileana Hernandez, Jason Lyzniak and Ashley Perdigon. Collectively, they include two Miami-Dade film students, a University of Miami Communications and Theater Arts graduate, and a University of Central Florida Television Production graduate.
“Fantasy Inn” takes place in a singular motel room and revolves around five short stories about the guests that reside there, interacting with the same space, at unusual times, for dissimilar reasons. Samurai Snacks is accepting donations through their Kickstarter page and welcomes anyone who would like to help out on set.
All proceeds will go directly towards the production of the film. Casting will take place in early December.
For more information, to donate, or to inquire about assisting with the production, visit or email